About Me

Greetings! Welcome to my little world. Thank you for stopping by and checking out my blog. My name is Lizel Vinzon Manalastas and I am a sinner saved by the grace of God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I am also a wife to my amazing best friend and husband Kevin (married for 3 years and forever), a mother to two blessed beautiful daughters, a homemaker and soon to be homeschooler.

What are you about?
Learning everyday, sharing valuable information and trying to live biblically wholistic/holistic as much as possible. I am striving to live a God glorifying life in my marriage, in motherhood/parenting and in homemaking. My journey started when my body reacted to Monosodium Glutamate also known as MSG. MSG gives me killer migraines that last for days, and because of this I would research more and more about things that are being put into our food that are harmful and toxic like Genetically Modified Organism. 

After graduating as a Pharmacy Technician at a vocational school, the things I have learned from the field led to guilt, disgust and convictions on man-made medicine. The disturbing knowledge motivated me to research more into Big Pharma and sought to find better natural alternatives to those pharmaceuticals, such as healing with herbs, organic whole foods and a change in lifestyle and in habits. 

When we planned to move in to our first apartment(while living with my parents after moving from California), I had researched how to be a homemaker and had to prepare myself and everything that we needed to be on our own. Started meal planning, helped my husband budget, etc. We only bought what we needed and tried sticking to a budget so we can also save and get out of debt. I am just glad that we both are not materialistic.

My husband and I both grew up in the public school and are aware of governmental secret agendas in brainwashing our children. We do not want the government to indoctrinate worldly corrupt ungodly ideas in our children, who does? We also believe it is the duty of the parents to teach and train up  their children in the ways of the Lord and that true education cannot be gained apart from the fear and knowledge of God.

What useful information can you offer?
I am a new parent, newly wed and far from perfect. I am not much of a writer but all I can give/offer/help is by sharing some advice from my previous experiences. I don't have all the answers. I am still learning in this journey as a wife, mother and homemaker.

What is your blog about?
Random ramblings, research, recipes, reflections, family adventures, breastfeeding, biblical homemaking, frugal finds/living, growing food, meal planning, DIY canning and preserving, sprouting, cooking/baking things from scratch, DIY stuff, my journey in homeschooling my girls and so much more. I want to blog about the challenges in parenting, challenges in cutting down debt and challenges in marriage. Everyday struggles with my pride, emotions, perfectionism, and other hidden sins or idolism I am unaware of.

When and why did you start this blog?
I started this blog in December of 2011 unsure of what to blog about. Recently, I just felt a desire to share my passions and things I learn everyday to those who are willing to hear what I have to say. Thank you for your time! If you have any questions, please leave a comment below or reach me on Facebook.

Soli Deo Gloria!
~ Lizel Vinzon Manalastas

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